Sunday, February 1, 2009

my colour checking result is: a PURPLE MONKEY?!?


You are Purple Monkey who is a straight forward, cheerful and honest person.
You are not very emotional, but work hard and have been smart enough to do errands around home from early ages.
You are clever with your hands too.
You give an impression of being unpretentious, and you are rather short tempered who would carry out everything by yourself.
You set your goal too high, and sometimes experience frustrations in trying to achieve it.
You like to take care of people and are kind and generous person.
You can not walk pass someone who is in trouble.
You take great care of your family and those who are working under you, and your attitude may be seen as too muc interference.
You will not be influenced by emotions, and you can make rational and modern decisions.
Your career will not be affected.
You tend to be rather cautious, and sometimes show unnecessary competitiveness.
This may cause friction in your personal relationship.
If you carry things actively on your own, you may suffer hardships.
You should lay back and let the time resolve things.
Your weakness lies in lack of planning.
You can show perseverance, so you should forecast the future before putting into action.
After getting married, you will carryout housework perfectly, and will be a good wife and a mother.You can make sound decisions.

got it from "".

hmm..that's it?? u answer it.

late night movies syndrom..

its 4:19 in the morning.
and i just finished watching my movies.
its "Lost In Love", film yg baru aja gw tonton..
dan (again..) its impact me, okey..maybe a lot..
heu. biasa kan gw..
sangat cepat sekali terlarut dlm sebuah drama film.
apa lagi ini film bner-bner "such a teenager's drama movies".
cowok cuek, yg punya pacar seorang cewek berpikiran childish,
yg sangat berharap banyak dr cowok nya.. (hmm..sounds familliar?)
hmm..wat can i say..
whatever it is..yg pasti buat gw,this film, its not like another type of an indonesian's movies.
yg isi nya hal-hal basi to the max!
jadi,(oke gw sedang melakukan pembelaan dsini..) wajar klo gw terbawa esmosii ama film ini. emg paling okee dahh! hehe :)
eum, the other thing is..
hubungan gw ama yudha, amazingly malah makin membaik.
makin manis,
dan makin (seperti tokoh adit d film td, zzz -__-) berusaha untuk jadi seperti apa yg gw mau.
pertanda? nothing. so far..masi blm ada niat untuk ksitu gw.
hm. dan..f*d**
he looks more gorgeous for me..arrghh
kenapa musti anak gawuull ABG itu sii..heu. lupakan., got to sleep now. bye!