Saturday, January 31, 2009

weird thing happens today..

someone has confess his long long time ago's feeling..
dan kenapa aneh buat gw krn, he's the one of my ex's buddies and he's my BF chairmate when i was in highschool.
hm..cmn klo d pikir2 sii, g aneh jg sii.
i mean, its a normal feeling that will be appear when u're to closed with someone (dmn dsini mksd gw adalah dengan yg lawan jenis yaa :P) and this is the most "sinetron" parts for me.. dimana di buktikan nya bahwa rasa benci itu tipis bgt ama rasa sayang.
hahaaaaayyyy!! najis ga siihhh....
krn dulu, gw ama dia ituu seriiing bgt berantem..
trs jg dia itu duduk nya d dpn gw,
hm..makin sering lah itu berinteraksi ama dia.
dan ternyata..dia memendam rasaa...
haha. gw hr ini rada sedikit lebay seperti nya pemilihan bahasa nya. heu -___-
cmn yah..krn dia jg tau, gw pacar sahabat nya..yah he can do nothing..
jadi yasudaahh..dsimpen ampe skrg dia confess ama gw.
oke, its weird enough for me, soal nya gw g kebayang aja bakal dia yg ngmng kyk gtu ke gw..
yasuw. ud pagi. hindari tdur pagi, krn sedang proses penggendutan...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

still ...

will it be forever ..
even with the different situation in each day and time..

3rd april 05 - forever ( i wish ) ..

then it comes the time ..

ga kebayang bakal begini rasanya..
i know, it will comes the time, when we have to pulled off each other..
cuman, masi ga kebayang ama gw, bakal bgini rasanya..
and the truth is, it really hurt.
its different when i make my decision to end up this relationship.
i thought it wont be really hard, coz i made this.
i want this.
but i cant pretend that i feel so hurt when i realize, that he started to let me be his past.
coz, this past few days..dia selalu nunjukin klo, i can be without you.
g secara gamblang, but i can feel it, i think..
and i didnt expect that it will be this hurt...
and yes, maybe i wont hold you any more longer...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

back for guuuud..

back again.
setelah ud lama g ngurus blog.
now im back for guuud..
krn ngeliat dr ud g jelas nya yg mau gw kerjain jg sehari2 nya.
many things has change in my life for now on..
such as..
i was end up my relationship.
and it was happen in the beginning of this year. bad for starting a new year.
cmn yaahh.. buat ngeles..bisa d blg,
taun baru..lembaran hidup baru jg donk. hehe
kenapa? dan sebab nya apa?
its such a long and a complicated story..
kesimpulan nya yah..
ampe ud sejauh ini jg. di antara kita berdua..
masi blm bisa saling ngerti.
i didnt said that we are totally cant understand each other, but..
there was a principall issues between us, yg emg ud g bisa d tolerir lagi.
dan itu ud terjadi lama, numpuk, dan akhir nya sampai ke klimaks nya..
but we settled it with a good way.
dan hubungan kita berdua jg masi sama.
and nothing has changed.
except just for the status.
and looks like from his side, he got his regret so badly.
cuman yaudahlah.
let the past will be the past.
i have to do my own way, neither he is.
that's it for today,
hope yesterday i'll be blogging agaiiin. heuhe
iye klo kgak males. heuhe.
ciauu! :)